The Exceptional Melissa Chill
Chorus &
Verse Blog
Danny Coleman
Musician / Radio Show Host
Chill on Rock On Radio -
Click on
link above to listen to
Jan 24 show with Dan Coleman (requires Window Media Player,
QuickTime Player, or equivalent)
“Influenced by
Stevie Nicks, her originals have ‘mystical’ emotional undertones and
themes. In her sexy, melodic, yet (at times) edgy vocals, you can hear
the Nicks' influence. Chill’s very tasteful use of vibrato, which I like
more than Nicks', is incredibly complimentary to her style. She knows
where and when to use it and does so very effectively. There's no
overkill; her lyrics and vocal styling are like a good book, you can't
wait to see what's coming next so once you start listening you'll not want
to put it down.” - Danny Coleman, Rock On Radio,